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Showing posts from October, 2018

How to compost horse poops and make them into pellets

If you want to start a business of  making horse fertilizer compost pellets , you may want to know something about horse manure. To give full assume to the job of pony fertilizer, we should initially comprehend the attributes of steed compost, experimentally gather horse excrement, horse excrement can be made into steed compost, however in the event that there is a different steed fat, there is no such quality as pig compost, since steed fertilizer is thick. There is little pee. Amid the daytime, the pony isn't in the bar. The excrement and pee are generally less. The steed excrement and the pig compost ought to be combined and the warmth of the pony fertilizer amid the capacity procedure can elevate the pig excrement to completely deteriorate. Enhance the nature of compost. In the high-temperature compost, the fitting pony fertilizer is blended, and the high-temperature fiber in the steed excrement disintegrates the microorganisms, which can quicken the rot of the manure, increm

Aldehyde elements of the biomass

Usually, the equipment produced by reliable biomass pellet mill manufacturers can produce high quality biomass granules. And they contain good quantity of aldehyde. A carbonyl (C=O) gathering and a hydrogen (- H) gathering can be consolidated into another gathering called an aldehyde gathering (CHO) gathering. The substance with this gathering is called aldehyde. We are very comfortable with it. Formaldehyde, the carbon outline has just a single carbon aldehyde. The imperative component of formaldehyde is that it can settle the protein and have clean impact. It is additionally an essential synthetic crude material broadly utilized in the mechanical and corrective enterprises. In the meantime, inordinate non-normal formaldehyde can cause tumor. Formaldehyde in nature is useful to the human body. For instance, tomatoes are great enemy of maturing sustenances, which contain follow measures of formaldehyde, which decides the idea of free radical rummaging. There is additionally formalde

Arrangement before sowing of alfalfa

I want to raise alfalfa to  make alfalfa fertilizer for lawns , I need a lots of them. Maybe you are in my position, too. There are some tips of preparation of sowing alfalfa. 1. Site choice  Hay wide flexibility, as warm and semi-sticky climatic conditions, the dirt necessities are not strict, aside from too substantial soil, amazingly thin sand and peracid or over-soluble base soil can develop, it is most appropriate for profound soil Growing in free, calcium-rich topsoil. Horse feed ought not be planted in solid corrosive and basic soil. It lean towards nonpartisan or soluble soil. The pH is ideally 7~8, the salt substance is under 0.3%, and the groundwater level is beneath 1m. At the point when the dirt pH is underneath 6, the knob can't frame, and when the pH is 5 or less, it can't develop because of calcium lack. The solvent salt substance is higher than 0.3%, the chloride particle is over 0.03%, and the seedling development is influenced by salt.  2. Front 

The properties of humus fertilizer granules

If you want to  process natural soil fertilizer , you must know their characteristics. Basic organization of humus Humus can be separated into humin, humic corrosive and fulvic corrosive, and the last two are on the whole alluded to as humic corrosive. Humus is basically made out of C, H, 0, N, S and different components. There are likewise a little measure of components, for example, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Si. The basic creation of different humic substances isn't totally the equivalent. Universally, general humus contains C 55% to 60%. The normal is 58%; containing N 3% to 6%. The normal is 5.6%; its C/N is 10:1 to 12:1. The substance of humic corrosive (HA) and humin (Hu) is about the equivalent, the substance of C and N of humic corrosive is higher than that of fulvic corrosive (FA) (Table 3-13), and the substance of O and S is lower than that of fulvic corrosive. (FA). The C/H of HA is higher than FA, which implies that the level of buildup of HA is higher, the level of oxidation

A quick walkthrough about the big rolling disc

Do you know the  pan granulation process ? It can be your great help to produce fertilizer pellets! The extent of the circle granulator: Circle granulator is reasonable for different non-stick materials in powder, material or little pieces, for example, pounded coal, bond, clinker, limestone, shale, coal gangue, dirt, and so forth. Powder, granular or little square materials. Circle granulators can be broadly utilized in foundries, coal mining plants and substance, framework and hardware ( throwing workshops. The machine is basic in structure, helpful in alteration and unrivaled in execution. The circle granulator is appropriate for materials with a molecule size of not in excess of 50 mm, and isn't reasonable for passing on materials with high thickness, difficult to stream, and materials with especially great smoothness. The power circle granulator is made out of a calculated shallow plate and a help outline. The edge of tendency and

How does green compost help our plants?

If you want to  make green manure , first you should know how they work. Here we can see its effects. (1) The root arrangement of the green compost trim is created. In the event that the ground part delivers 1,000 kilograms of new grass, the underground root framework will have 150 kilograms, which can build soil natural issue, enhance soil structure and enhance soil fruitfulness. Vegetable green compost yields can likewise expand nitrogen in the dirt. It is assessed that 2/3 of the nitrogen in vegetable green compost originates from the air. (2) It can change the ineffectively solvent supplements in the dirt to encourage the assimilation and use of products. The emission of green excrement crops amid development and the natural acids delivered by disintegration in the wake of tumbling can change over the insoluble phosphorus and potassium in the dirt into the accessibility of phosphorus and potassium. (3) It can enhance the physicochemical properties of the dirt. After the green

The small but efficient machine I use

The  flat die extrusion machine is one of the principle (bio) natural compost generation types of gear delivered by our organization. It is a manure apparatus that has been looked into, enhanced and deliberately made by numerous long stretches of generation encounter based on cutting edge granule machines from home and abroad. It has great machine innovation, straightforward task and outline of various models and models. It is a perfect preparing machine for compost handling units. Utilize and qualities 1. This machine is mostly utilized for molecule handling in (bio) natural manure and aquaculture preparing industry; 2. The surface of the granular material prepared by the machine is smooth and the hardness is moderate. Amid the handling, the temperature rise is low and the supplements in the crude materials can be all around kept up; 3. The molecule piece is uniform and the shape is slick. The pore size of the molecule size can be chosen by the creation needs when requesting.

Some study about biomass equipment

The granulation mechanism of the prior art biomass pellet maker generally includes a cutting mechanism. However, when the cutting mechanism of the current cutting mechanism cuts the finished product, the cutting mechanism cuts the product longitudinally, and cuts by the longitudinal cutting method. When the mechanism cuts the finished product, there is a disadvantage that the cutting efficiency is low, which greatly affects the production efficiency of the biomass particles. In view of the above problems, the technical problem to be solved by the biomass pellet molding machine is to provide a granulation mechanism for a biomass pellet molding machine capable of improving the cutting efficiency of biomass pellets. The granulation mechanism of the novel biomass pellet molding machine, wherein a cushion is embedded between the tail of the blade and the first card slot; thus, the vibration damping effect can be exerted on the blade and the blade can be prevented from coming out The f

My cute horse can be a provider to my garden!

Some people say that horse manures are good for plants, but others argue that horse poops can be harmful to the soil. Well, personally, I prefer to horse droppings. You know, they are abundant, and really good for the flowers and vegetables. But making horse dung fertilizer can be trickey, you just need a prfessional machine to process them. Otherwise, you will end up in a wild grass garden with compacted soils!

Large root, nutritive food

Cassava is a nutritional but dangerous root vegetable, I never eat it. But I bet cassava grater machine in nigeria can be popular, as well as cassava granulator machines. Maybe I'll try that someday. Cassava pellets are good fertilizers for my crops and trees.

Mass production! Hard working!

I now got full plate everyday, what a busy week! There are so many things to be done, and I just got myself. Fortunately, I have this machine with a long name, bio-fertilizer spherical-granule granulator , see, that's a long name. But it gives me good help, that I can mass produce lots of fertilizer pellets. Hope I can finish the job before it gets too cold.

Press, squeeze, and done!

I put all kinds of things in, and press the button. Then the extruder pellet machine running like crazy, and those pellets keep coming out of it. It's kinda of fun to watch it works, and the result is pleasant, too. I think I will learn more about the equipment.

Helping a friend, do some chores

James and I are cleaning his stables. Man, there are lots of horse poops, we need to get them all out! I told him to get some machine to deal with the feces, so we can use on our farms. I think fertilizer made from horse manure equipment is better than those sold in stores.

Dry? Wet? What do those words mean?

To further protect my dog, I decide to produce the fertilizer balls when I need them, don't want to store too many of them. But those machines are divided by such specific details. I'm trying to understand the  dry granulation definition. Hope I can get it right.